Prophecy, Apocalypse and the Day of Doom

Harlaxton Medieval Studies XII (New Series)

Proceedings of the 2000 Harlaxton Symposium: Prophecy, Apocalypse and the Day of Doom, ed. Nigel Morgan



Michael J. Bennett, Prophecy, Providence and the Revolution of 1399, 1–18

Hilary Carey, Astrology and the Last Things, 19–38

Lesley Coote, The Crusading Bishop: Henry Despenser and his Manuscript, 39–51

Martha Driver, Picturing the Apocalypse in the Printed Book of Hours, 52–67

Robert Easting, Personal Apocalypse: Judgement in Some Other-World Visions, 68–85

Rosalind Field, Apocalyptic Consolation in the Middle-English Pearl, 86–96

Richard Foster, The Perfect Three: A Numerological Context for the Calculation of the Lifespan of the Universe According to the Westminster Abbey Sanctuary Pavement, 97–117

Anke Holdenried, Aspects of the English Reception of the Sibylla Tiburtina: Prophecy and Devotion, 118–138

Steven Justice, Prophecy and the Explanation of Social Disorder, 139–159

Kathryn Kerby-Fulton, Magda Hayton and Kenna Olsen Pseudo-Hildegardian, Prophecy and Antimendicant Propaganda in Late-Medieval England: An Edition of the Most Popular Insular Text of ‘Insurgent gentes’, 160–194

John Lowden, The Apocalypse in the Early-Thirteenth- Century Bibles Moralisées: A Re-Assessment, 195–219

Margaret Manion, The Angers Tapestries of the Apocalypse and Valois Patronage, 220-238

M. A. Michael, Matthew Paris, Brother William and St. Marcella: Comments on the Apocalyptic Man in British Library MS Cotton Nero.D.1, 239-249

Nigel Morgan, The Torments of the Damned in Hell in Texts and Images in England in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries, 250-260

Rosemary Muir Wright, Living in the Final Countdown: the Angevin Apocalypse Panels in Stuttgart, 261-276

Veronica O’Mara, ‘Go le curselynges, to euerelasting fier’: Doomsday in Middle English Prose Sermons, 277-291

Sue Powell, All Saints’ Church, North Street, York: Text and Image in the Pricke of Conscience Window, 292-316

Andrew Prescott, ‘The Hand of God’: the Suppression of the Peasants’ Revolt of 1381, 317-341

Nicholas Rogers, ‘Et expecto resurrectionem mortuorum’: Images and Texts Relating to the Resurrection of the Dead and the Last Judgement on English Brasses and Incised Slabs, 342-355

Pamela Tudor-Craig, Wells Cathedral West Front and the City of God, 356-376

Meg Twycross and Pamela King, Doomsday as Hypertext: Contexts of Doomsday in Fifteenth-Century Northern Manuscripts, 377-403